Five Reasons Why B2B Marketers Should be Taking Blogging Seriously

5 Reasons B2B Marketers should Blog

Blogging has become a crucial part of content marketing strategy. If you haven’t been regularly nurturing your relationship with prospects and customers with the help of a blog, you’ve been missing out! Recent industry surveys by The Content Marketing Institute estimate that 86% of B2B companies are currently blogging, along with 77% of B2C companies (source).


So, why do you want to be with the majority on this?

1. More Leads

According to recent data, B2B businesses that blog achieve 67% more monthly leads than those that do not (source). Blog posts that can help solve customer pain points will naturally attract quality leads. Make sure your content is relevant to a problem that your company solves well, which leads me to reason #2…

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9 Content Marketing Blogs You Must Subscribe To

Top Content Marketing Blogs

1.Content Marketing Institute


Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute blog is the ultimate place to go if you want to jumpstart your content marketing strategy. The blog is run by Joe Pulizzi (@JoePulizzi), author of the must-read book Content Inc and one of the founding fathers of Content Marketing. CMI offers a huge variety of resources from detailed research reports and whitepapers to podcasts and webinars. You can easily sift through the different topics on their blog and find how-to guides for whatever your marketing campaign needs.

Twitter: (@CMIcontent)

2. Convince and Convert


Convince & Convert


Named the #1 Content Marketing Blog in the World by Content Marketing Institute, Convince and Convert focus on what brands can do in order to deliver remarkable customer experiences. This blog specializes in explaining the “why” behind content marketing best practices. Convince and Convert is run by Jay Baer (@JayBaer), a New York Times best-selling author of 5 books, and a social media icon.


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