The Benefits of Lead Nurturing

lead nurturing

Why Should I Nurture My Leads?

Lead nurturing requires thoughtful communications, not the copying and pasting of generic sales emails in attempt to receive a reply back. When a lead nurturing program is functional, your prospects are receiving targeted content based upon their actual activities and interests, which ultimately provides them with what they want to see. If a prospect has visited a specific product page of yours for about 5-10 minutes, why shouldn’t an email automatically be sent to that prospect with further information and a notification go out to a sales rep? 

The statistics

26% of today’s marketers receive a 10% – 20% greater response from their lead nurturing campaigns than those who use standardized email campaigns. On top of that, more than a quarter of marketers receive a 20% – 30% greater increase in responses using automatic lead nurturing campaigns in comparison to marketers who do not use a nurturing campaign. (Demand Gen Report, 2015)

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5 Steps to Take Before your Salesforce Implementation

Not sure where to start when it comes to your Salesforce implementation? We have curated a list of the 5 most important steps to take before your Salesforce implementation.


Boost Implementation Support

Group projects are difficult when you’re doing it alone, get your organization on board with the implementation. Start at the top with the CEO, COO, etc. and work your way down. Once the top levels show enthusiasm and support, others will follow.


Acknowledge all Sectors in the Sales Cycle

The sales department is not the only division recognized in the Salesforce cycle. Make sure to identify all departments and know how to support them before and after the implementation.


Clean your Data before the Implementation

Cleansing your data prior to implementation will save you a lot of time and distress after the process is complete. Would your Sales team trust the system if the last two  contacts they called were the wrong number? Just imagine if the first name is incorrect…


Implement the System in Phases

“You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you’re going to have a strong superstructure.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

Salesforce is not a pool you want to jump right into. With so many different capabilities to manage, it is easy for users to feel lost. Take on the implementation in phases so that you can build on a foundation and not get overwhelmed.


Get a Professional

Salesforce can do wonders for you, it just needs to be setup correctly. Ask for professional consultation from certified Salesforce partners who have been implementing the product for years. Implementing Salesforce should not be taken lightly, it needs to be done right.