Pardot Engagement Studio 3 Features

lead nurturing

Over the last couple months Corrao Group has been participating in Pardot’s Engagement Studio Beta program. We have built our own programs in addition to maximized the potential of customer’s programs who were selected for the Beta trial. While every new feature of Engagement Studio is valuable, we will keep you updated with features you do not want to miss.

Today’s post is going to be a high level overview of the 3 available features of Engagement Studio: Actions, Triggers, and Rules.

Actions – “Do Something”

If you’ve been using Pardot for some time now you’ll be familiar with most of these actions such as sending emails, notifying users, adding prospects to lists and more. Engagement Studio has added highly-requested functionality to the Actions feature: adjusting prospects’ score and changing prospects’ field value. Now you can either adjust a prospect’s score by a specific amount or you can adjust the score to a specific amount. For example, if a prospect ends up in a certain leg of your program that qualifies them as MQL, go ahead and adjust/set their score so your Sales reps can see.

Another action provided by Engagement Studio is the ability to change or clear a prospect’s field value. This allows the prospect to really define their journey down your Engagement Studio while giving you more insight about them. You can set up this action along your program so that when you view their prospect record, you can tell what information they’ve seen and what they’ve interacted with.

Triggers – “Listen for Something”

Pardot’s Engagement Studio comes with new features, Triggers. You might be familiar with a couple of the triggers from Drip Programs; checking for an email open or a link click. (Side note: Engagement Studio allows you to specify which link in a template to check for!). The new Trigger features include checking for a custom redirect click, file download, form or form handler submission, and landing page completion. Pardot allows you to trigger off of “any” of these assets or a specific one. For example, you can set up a trigger to just look for the completion of a specific form or to look for the completion of any of your forms.

Rules – “Check Something”

Just when you thought your lead nurturing campaigns couldn’t get any more custom to your prospect, Pardot adds “rules” to Engagement Studio. This new feature checks the prospect’s record for specific criteria and sends them down the appropriate path. For example, if the prospect’s grade is greater than a “B”, send them down path A but if their grade is lower than a “B”, send them down path B. Rules can check for the following: Assigned Salesforce Queue, Assigned User, Assignment Status, Grade, List, Pardot Campaign, Salesforce Campaign (and status), Custom Field, Default Field, Email Status, Tag, Salesforce Status (Lead, Contact, Deleted), and Score. To learn more about Pardot, please visit our Salesforce page.

Our next couple articles will focus on specific Actions, Triggers, and Rules.

Stay Tuned!